NUS Dance BLAST! is a member of NUS CFA. She was formed in September 2001.
Initiated by a group of students with a keen interest in Hip-Hop dance and guided by Resident Choreographer, Patrick Loo, the group aims to promote the Hip-Hop spirit to the wider community.
Of utmost importance is the Hip-Hop spirit – positivity in life, freedom and passion.
Had a show with some of the others today.. namely fik roz xuan matt (thanks you two for the lobang!) haze winnie jootz.. In between we played Uno (Hello Kitty version).. and played Bluff.. haha.. and we have uncovered the sneakiest people in the bunch:
Taufik - 8-drawfours, 8 drawfours, 8drawfours?? Hazel - for bluffing Calvin to call someone's bluff wrongly and end up with a whole stack of cards lol. Winnie matt joot all not bad.. can bluff their way thru.. dammit! Roz u suck! hahahha. "check lor"..
also had some nice cheesecake and coffee and a lepak corner while the atas people go about their business. moral of the story.... do shows with reputable brands! hahaha.. we got free photo printouts too :p