NUS Dance BLAST! is a member of NUS CFA. She was formed in September 2001.
Initiated by a group of students with a keen interest in Hip-Hop dance and guided by Resident Choreographer, Patrick Loo, the group aims to promote the Hip-Hop spirit to the wider community.
Of utmost importance is the Hip-Hop spirit – positivity in life, freedom and passion.
On behalf of the 6th committee.. I would like to THANK allll blastards for being there, helping out, dancing hard, and for all the words of encouragement that kept us going throughout the year! Except for Matt & Ziyen who'll be graduating (SOBS..grabs a tissue, sniffs*) the rest of the ex-comm members will still be around so... dont be too sad. HAA.
Now now.. Here's the incoming 7th Blast! Committee who will be serving you guys & leading the club to even greater heights. This sounds cliche, but its true! They are a bunch of fine young people who are gonna make a difference!! Wheee..HA! Ok nuff crap. Here you go..
7th Blast! Committee! President: Huang YingYing (ink ink) Vice President: Kelvin Chua (wah wah wah..*snaps a photo) Secretary: Applie Wan (an an..) Treasurer: Tracy Pah ( *scared* pls eat more & grow tall!!) Publicity Officer: Seong Huixuan (*does a triple turn) Logistics Manager: Frederick Voon (no accent here, no woon, really Voon) Costumes Manager: Wong Wai Kit (have a Kit-Kat!) Dance CAPTAIN: See Joo Teng (jootz -screensaver face-) Junior Dance CAPTAIN (new!): Nur Azlina Bee (minah!!) Advisory President: Hazel Peh (thats me, bleah)
This blog is dying soon, but they will revamp it lah! hahah. To all those who are working, happy working! =p COme for holiday class lah! How can a holiday pass by without dancing! Speaking of which my bones are really cracking & body aching from the first class last week. I'm old! -coughs-
But still... CONGRATULATIONS NEW COMMITTEE!! Have a GREAT YEAR AHEAD! Much great fun awaits you in the coming year ahead! *evil laughter*