D.A.T. Productions and Avalanche productions brings to you their second installment of the groundbreaking dance party for dancers. It aims at creating a platform for local hip hop talent in the music and dance industry to come together and bridge new alliances for the culture and their art as well as providing the public the proper grounds to recognize the true essence and existence of this uprising culture in Singapore. Once again, the awesome performances by various dance groups and deejay showcase will blow you away and get your adrenaline pumping as you party with DJ Andrew T’s hottest mix. DJ Neboet DJ Bobby MC Fiz Jiggy MC Yama Styles From Beyond Break Force Crew J.D.I. M.A.D. NUS Dance Blast (Yes! White Hoods will be putting up the most exciting performance) NTU Modern Jazz Lush 5678 and many more... |